We all come across many guys whom we hate and not only hate, we just want them to die or get extinct from face of the earth. These people are easily found around us, like one watchman who arrogantly ask your intent of going to the place he is guarding, one liftman who dont let you press buttons of lift and guide you to place you need to stand, guy driving besides road on two wheeler who angrily ask you to take care of your clothing as it is flying near tyres. guy who acts busy infront of boss but will always be on phone whole day, the guy who asks your help when he is in need but forgets you when you need them or your boss who never praise you instead of infinite efforts you put in to hear just who word "good job".
I was just giving a thought on why these hated guys behave like
this and where do they take this much hate, do they carry these hates with them
whole life or how they face mirror when they know whole world hates them.
As I am Bollywood guy, we have a background story for each character to
define their behaviors, so every bad guy has a story behind why he became bad.
So there must be some story behind these hated guys which the world doesn’t
know which makes them so tough that
hates do not affect them anymore.
On a contrary I know many guys who always want to be in good books
of everybody, they don’t hurt anybody they talk softly so that no one can get
hurt, they crack jokes to amuse people, they respect elders and all sorts of
good deeds and world respond to them with lots of love. They must be sleeping
with a smile on their face as world loves them. Then why to be hated guys when
you can be this guy whom world loves.
After putting up lots of thought I think that this world requires
these hated guys as much as we need the loved once and why is it so..?
Background story for being hated guy is that, these guys realize that world
needs their toughness more than their love. For giving example who will be more
successful police officer in interrogation tough guy or the soft spoken ? some
job demands the hates. As I told you these hated guys are everywhere like
arrogant watchman, his duty requires him to be tough is asking questions and
report any suspicion, strict liftman who is been hired to control the elevator
and maintain standing arrangements in lift so that it can be safely used, the angry
co-traveler who wants you not to fall down on a road. If you analyse properly
every hated guy is doing his job and they are ferocious in completing their
job. They don’t care what world will feel or if they can hurt anybody they
finish their jobs and with best efforts.
Now the question is where do they take his hates, actually they
absorb it on the excuse of they are doing their job right. They also sleep with
smile of their face, they feel proud when they look themselves in mirror
because they know there are jobs that a hated man can only do.
So next time you hate somebody just think of the job he is
accomplishing. I will never recommend to love these people as it will make them week, they are good being tough and they will be like that rest of their life.
It was just some thought
came in my mind.
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